At Greenway Dental Care, we provide a wide range of dental services in our Fayetteville, AR dentist office including preventative care. Preventative dentistry services include dental cleanings, exams, and x-rays that are needed to help you make your smile last for a lifetime. Patients should see their dentist twice a year for routine preventative care. With the holidays coming up just around the corner, it’s important to remember to schedule your final preventative care appointment before the end of the year. Learn why you should not skip your dental cleanings below:
Plaque & Tartar Buildup
When food residues are left behind on your smile after meals, they harden on your dental structures and become more difficult to remove by brushing or flossing. When this occurs, you need a professional dental hygienist to help clean your dental structures and give your smile a fresh start. During your dental cleanings, one of our trained hygienists will perform a thorough dental cleaning, scraping away any plaque or tartar buildup threatening your smile. The longer this buildup stays on your teeth, the more likely it is to cause dental concerns. Common dental concerns like tooth decay and gum disease are often linked back to poor oral hygiene resulting in plaque and tartar buildup. By attending your routine dental cleanings, you can ensure that any plaque or tartar buildup is taken care of before it has the chance to cause damages.
Dental Concerns Often Get Worse Over Time
The thing to know about dental concerns is that they will often only get worse over time. Additionally, many dental concerns do not cause noticeable symptoms until they have progressed to their advanced stages. Conservative, cost-effective treatment options are more likely to be effective when we catch dental concerns early. This is why we provide a dental exam after your routine dental cleaning. Our experienced Fayetteville, AR dentist, Dr. Keech, will evaluate your smile and offer treatment options for any dental concerns noted during your appointment. By catching minor issues before they develop into major dental concerns, your routine dental cleanings can often save you time and money spent on expensive restorative procedures later on.
Use It Or Lose It
Many patients utilize their dental insurance benefits to afford the dental care they need. Patients should remember to use their remaining dental insurance benefits before the end of the year. Insurance benefits do not roll over into the next year. Greenway Dental Care is a preferred provider for Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Delta Dental. We will gladly accept and file all insurance claims at the time of your dental visit. If it has been over six months since the last time you sat in the dental chair, schedule your final dental cleaning of the year today.